A Message from the HELP Exhibition

The things we take for granted in the world today.

Whether they will continue to exist in the future depends on our actions.

The items on display in this exhibition are likely to disappear in the next 30 years.

The main reason? Climate Change.

If we continue to inflict damage on the environment at this rate,

we humans will eventually disappear as well.

” HELP ”

Let’s listen to the cries of the voiceless.

Let's start moving now,

Toward a better future for the planet.

We surely have the power to do so.


Greenpeace Japan will host “HELP: A EULOGY 30 YEARS IN THE MAKING” in Aoyama, Tokyo, a conceptual exhibition superimposing art and the climate crisis, from 17th to 26th November. The exhibition will feature several Japanese cultural phenomena which may be lost in 30 years mainly due to climate change. A collaboration with a variety of artists and cultural figures, including plush toy artist Meriyasu Kataoka, Kiyoshi Miyasaka, the chief priest of Yatsurugi Shrine, and Yoshiharu Doi, a culinary expert, this exhibition allows you to ‘feel’ with your senses the climate crisis impacting Japan.